Our work has been amplified by renowned media platforms across India and the world. Please go through our republishing guidelines if you would like to republish or use our work.
The Mint quotes CEDA in this article on the women in Indian labour force.
Project Syndicate quotes a CEDA data narrative on the labour force participation of women between India and China.
The Business Standard quotes a CEDA data narrative on the size of an organisation and the share of women it…
Wion quotes a CEDA data narrative on the labour force participation rates between India and China
The IEA republishes a CEDA data narrative comparing India and China’s labour force.
The Mint mentions CEDA as an example of an initiative to make public data-sets accessible and intelligible to citizens.
The Wire republishes a CEDA data narrative, “The Elephant is set to overtake the Dragon, or is it?”
The Scroll republishes the CEDA data narrative, “The Elephant is set to overtake the Dragon, or is it?”
Akshi Chawla writes about the serious consequences of the missing gender lens to statistics.
Outlook Business quotes Ashwini Deshpande in their article highlighting that the implementation of policies, which were to be progressive for…
Mint uses CEDA’s Daily Food Price Index data for an analysis on inflation rates in Indian states
HT’s Mind the Gap newsletter cites CEDA’s analysis of clean cooking fuel in its ‘In numbers’ section
This article on Businessworld quotes Kanika Mahajan, a member of the CEDA advisory committee.
The Wire republishes a CEDA data narrative on the healthcare expenditure by Indian households.
BBC quotes a CEDA data narrative on this article on the insufficient representation of women in India’s workforce.
Kanika Mahajan writes in the Deccan Herald about the low female attachment to the labour market
V Shoba from Open cites a CEDA data narrative in this piece on women’s workforce participation.
The Quint adds valuable inputs from Ashwini Deshpande and Akshi Chawla in this article that addresses unpaid domestic work by…
Behanbox republishes a CEDA data narrative on women’s labour force participation using the Periodic Labour Force Survey
The Wire republishes a CEDA data narrative on women’s labour force participation using the Periodic Labour Force Survey
The Times of India quotes a CEDA-CMIE bulletin on Indian households’ borrowing patterns.