Posts tagged with

By Kulvinder Singh

11 July 2024 | Factories, Manufacturing, Wages

At constant prices, daily earnings of factory floor workers in the formal manufacturing sector recorded a compounded annual growth rate of only 0.6 percent between 2002-03 and 2021-22

By Kulvinder Singh

19 February 2024 | Agriculture, Economy, Trade

While cereals, particularly rice, comprise the bulk of the Indian exports of agricultural goods, edible oils comprise the dominant share of agricultural imports

By Dhruvika Dhamija

10 May 2023 | Cooking Fuel, Development, Health, Infrastructure

Six in ten Indian households were using LPG as their primary source of fuel for cooking in 2020-21, but there was a large gap between urban and rural areas.

By Dhruvika Dhamija

24 April 2023 | Deveopment, Drinking Water, Infrastructure

Hand pumps and tube wells remained the most common source of drinking water in India in 2020-21 with 39.7 percent of Indian households relying on them

By Akshi Chawla

17 October 2022 | Gender, Sex Ratio, SRS

While India has seen some encouraging gains on its skewed sex ratio at birth, a more complex story seems to be unfolding at the level of the states

By Akshi Chawla

25 August 2022 | Gender Equality, Gender Gap

There is only one woman among every ten police personnel in the country, and no state has achieved 33% representation yet.