India’s Growth Story Needs Concrete Reforms and Policy Upgrades for Its Women
By Deepanshu Mohan | 12 March 2024The Quint cites CEDA's research on female labour force participation rates.
Hindustan Times | Mind the Gap
By Namita Bhandare | 28 January 2024HT's Mind the Gap newsletter cites CEDA's analysis on trends in youth employment.
Can ride-hailing drive more women into India’s labour force?
By Pragya Srivastava | 9 January 2024The Mint quotes CEDA in this article on the women in Indian labour force.
How a Man’s World Systematically Neglects Women
By Navika Mehta | 15 December 2023Project Syndicate quotes a CEDA data narrative on the labour force participation of women between India and China.
Most companies in India are too small. This is limiting women’s employment
By Pubali Chakraborty & Kanika Mahajan | 4 October 2023The Print republishes a CEDA data narrative on the size of an organisation and the share of women it employs.